In this blog post, we will try to sketch an easy relation between Mathematics and Physics.

Let us understand what is Mathematics first.

Mathematics is an art of making order out of the chaotic world. Used from calculating bills to finding the equation of trajectory. click here to expand your knowledge about mathematics

The word "mathematics" is absorbed by people in many ways. For some people it is a dopamine rush, a good exercise of brain and on other side it is a adrenaline rush, a terror. 

If you are still uneasy with mathematics feel free to attend mathematics classes.

I personally believe, Mathematics is a tool which helps make our life better by drawing a logical outlook of any problem.

Although mathematics is  a completely separate field of geniuses like Aryabhatta, Ramanujan etc. Chemistry of physics and math is something intricate. But physics without Mathematics is like a  person without emotions.

There was a famous scientist, I think you have already guessed, YES, Issac Newton who proposed the law of gravitation, though gravitation was dicovered much before by Indian physicists like Bramhagupta ,Bhaskaracharya.

The law says that two masses of mass m1 and m2 kept at a distance r , will exert a mutual attraction force which is directly proportional to the product of masse and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them.
Did you notice how mathematics makes the law more easier to express than English. That is how mathematics helps physics.
There are various branches like trigonometry, calculus etc. used for simplifying Physics.....



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